Bulk SMS APIs. For developers
Required Environment
In order to use the HTTP based API, you will need to have a system that has internet connectivity. This connectivity may be direct to the internet or via a firewall or proxy server. Additionally, if anyone wish to receive delivery reports (DLRs), then one must have a web server that is able to receive incoming requests from the Internet. This web server does not necessarily have to be running on the same machine that is sending messages to us.
All requests are secured through BASIC authentication via API Key (apikey). An additional level of protection is provided where API key can be configured to accept requests from a specific IP Address only.
SSL Enabled API Triggering
These APIs has been designed to allow client to access them using an SSL Enabled connection for added security. To trigger API on an SSL enabled connection, one must enter the URL beginning with https:// instead of http://.
Our API supports both HTTP and HTTPS. Using HTTPS to encrypt all requests through SSL is recommended, but if you’re using a client and tool that’s not set up to make SSL requests, one can use HTTP also.
Input Restrictions
It can be used either in the form of a HTTP POST or HTTP GET. We recommend POST for larger data transfer and data security. All calls to the API must be URL-encoded. The parameter variables are case sensitive. Also, recommended to use the POST method for error free submission due to URL limitations.
API Parameter
Name | Parameter | Description |
API Key* | apikey | API Key generated from your SMS account (API Menu) |
Sender Id* | sender | Sender ID assigned to your account |
Mobile Number* | mobileno | Receiver mobile number with or without 91. Multiple numbers in comma separated format. |
message * | text | Message to be sent in url-encoded format |
Route | route | System name of the route (leave blank if only one route in your account ) |
Parameters with (*) are mandatory.
Note : If you submit large number of request, always use XML API for better performance
Send an SMS
http://app.rpsms.in/api/push.json apikey=<apikey>&sender=<senderid>&mobileno=<mob>&text=<text> |
Schedule SMS
https://app.rpsms.in/api/push.json apikey=<apikey>&sender=<senderid>&mobileno=<mob>&text=<text>&schedule=<schedule> |
Cancel Schedule
http://app.rpsms.in/api/cancelschedule.json apikey=<apikey>&batchid=<batchid> |
Balance Check
http://app.rpsms.in/api/creditstatus.json apikey=<apikey> |
Get Available Sender Id List
http://app.rpsms.in/api/senderlist.json apikey=<apikey> |
Get Templates List
http://app.rpsms.in/api/templatelist.json apikey=<apikey> |
Get Group List
http://app.rpsms.in/api/grouplist.json apikey=<apikey> |
Create Group
http://app.rpsms.in/api/creategroup.json apikey=<apikey>&name=<group_name> |
Create Contact
http://app.rpsms.in/api/createcontact.json apikey=<apikey>&grpname=<group_name>&name=<contact_name>&number=<contact_number> |
Sample HTTP Report PULL API URL Format
http://app.rpsms.in/api/pull.json apikey=<apikey>&batchid=<batchid> |
Obtaining Message Delivery Report (Push)
http://app.rpsms.in/api/push.json apikey=<apikey>sender=<senderid>&mobileno=<mob>&text=<text>&dlrurl=<dlr-url>&reference=<reference> |
All API sample Code
Available for XML , PHP , C# , JAVA , VB6 , JAVA FOR XML , Python, Android, Google Appscript , IOS , Windows 8