Transactional SMS FAQ & Prices in India

Transactional SMS means

SMS Template containing information sent by Bank or financial institution or insurance company or Credit Card Company to its clients.

SMS Template containing information regarding travel schedules, ticket booking and reservation sent by Airlines or Indian Railways or its authorized agencies to its passengers.

SMS Template containing information sent from registered educational institution to parents or guardians of its students.

SMS Template containing information to its clients pertaining to the account of the client sent by a company or a firm or depository participant, registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) or Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) or National Commodity & Derivative Exchange Ltd. (NCDEX) or Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. (MCX).

SMS Template containing information sent in response to ecommerce transactions made by their customers by e-commerce agencies

SMS Template containing information sent to its employees or agents or to its customers pertaining to services or goods to be delivered to such customers by a registered company

Transactional SMS can be used by

  • Registered Education Institutions (Only for sending critical information to parents)
  • Airlines & Railway (Only for sending ticket & PNR details to passengers)
  • Registered Companies
  • Insurance Companies
  • Registered Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Credit Card Companies
  • Stock Market Alerts (Only to opted-in/subscribed customers)
  • E-Commerce website sending response to ecommerce transactions made by their customers

Does Transactional SMS have Sender ID

Yes, you can have Send ID for sending Transactional SMS.

Sender ID should be of 6 capital alphabets representing the brand/service/ industry

Sample Sender ID


T- Stands for Tata Teleservices it s a Service provider .

D-Standsfor Delhi a Service Circle


ABCDEF- is the sender ID of six alphabets representing a brand or organization or service sending the Transactional SMS.

Can I have multiple sender ID s for a single account

No, you can only have a One Sender ID for a Single Account.

Does Sender ID need approval

Yes, Sender ID should be approved from TRAI.

Will there be any time period for Sending SMS

No, there is no time period for sending Transactional SMS

You can send Transactional SMS round the clock 24/7 all the 365 days.


Yes, Transactional SMS s can be sent to DND (Do Not Disturb) Numbers.

What are the requirements for using Transactional SMS

You just need to fill an undertaking letter and submit Templates for the approval ofTRAI.

What details should be included in undertaking letter

  • Undertaking letter with company Letter Head duly signed.
  • Category & User name under which you want to send Transactional SMS.

Why undertaking letter

Undertaking letter is used for sending the user particulars for TRAI approval.

What does the Template contain

A Template is predefined message which has to be sent. Transactional SMS works with template based messaging.

How many templates can I have

You can have many templates.

Do my Templates require TRAI approval

Yes, Template should be approved by TRAI.

What Happens If I send SMS without TRAI approval

The SMS Template will not be sent.

What happens if I made changes to template after the TRAI approval

The SMS template will not be sent if u add/modify even a single space in the SMS Template.

What happens when I get Transactional SMS approval

You will get an Email with your account details as following

User name, Password(can be changed) and credits.

How can I send SMS after all the procedure

You can just login with your User ID & password in and start sending SMS to your SMS data.

Transactional SMS (With DND) Price

Transactional SMS Package :

PackageValidityPrice/SMSTotal PriceBuy Now
10,0001 Year25 paisaRs. 2500Buy Now
25,0001 Year20 paisaRs. 5000Buy Now
50,0001 Year18 paisaRs. 9000Buy Now
1 Lakh2 Years17 paisaRs. 17000Buy Now
DLT Registration Required. (Read More)
Transactional SMS Features:
- Http API available.
- Transactional sms sent any time 24X7.
- Messages delivered as per DLT Template norm
- 6 Characters sender Id can be used for sending sms.
- Transactional sms only use for OTP and alerts to your customer.


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